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Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь - socialize


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См. в других словарях

  1. обобществлять 2. национализировать 3. подготавливать к жизни в обществе 4. ам. организовывать коллективную работу (в классе) to socialize a recitation —- организовать коллективное чтение стихов 5. ам. общаться, встречаться; бывать в обществе 6. приспосабливать к нуждам общества to socialize science —- заставить науку служить обществу ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  v.  1) обобществлять; национализировать  2) подготавливать к жизни в коллективе, обществе  3) общаться ...
Англо-русский словарь
   verb  (-ized; -izing)  Date: 1810  transitive verb  1. to make social; especially to fit or train for a social environment  2.  a. to constitute on a socialistic basis ~ industry  b. to adapt to social needs or uses  3. to organize group participation in ~ a recitation  intransitive verb to participate actively in a social group  • socialization noun  • ~r noun ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (socializes, socializing, socialized) Note: in BRIT, also use 'socialise' 1. If you socialize, you meet other people socially, for example at parties. ...an open meeting, where members socialized and welcomed any new members... It distressed her that she and Charles no longer socialized with old friends. VERB: V, V with n • socializing The hours were terrible, so socialising was difficult. N-UNCOUNT 2. When people, especially children, are socialized, they are made to behave in a way which is acceptable in their culture or society. (TECHNICAL) You may have been socialized to do as you are told... VERB: usu passive, be V-ed ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  also -ise BrE v 1 to spend time with other people in a friendly way  (I enjoy socializing with my students after class.) 2 technical to train someone to behave in a way that is acceptable in the society they are living in ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English


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